Weddings, parties and playtime
Hi there. Me again here to give an update on what has been happening.
Here I am having a great time in my toybox. Mostly I climb in and then throw all the toys out. Might not be so much fun when I learn that I have to start putting them away myself.

My Uncle Phill got married at the end of November to Kiki. Faith, Chloe and I were the flowergirls. I had to dress up in this pretty white dress and look cute which apparently I did well although I wasn't too keen to pose for the camera. Here Grandma is trying to hold me still. Yeah...good luck with that Grandma.
I decided that I had other things to do while the others got ready so here I am back in my toybox sorting out the toys. Not such a lady like pose.

Here are the girls all ready to go to the church. Don't they look beautiful?? Daddy drove them in the car. (I had to go in my carseat with Mum.)

And Faith and Chloe did such a good job of fixing up Kiki's dress. She looked gorgeous.

Hi there. Me again here to give an update on what has been happening.
Here I am having a great time in my toybox. Mostly I climb in and then throw all the toys out. Might not be so much fun when I learn that I have to start putting them away myself.

My Uncle Phill got married at the end of November to Kiki. Faith, Chloe and I were the flowergirls. I had to dress up in this pretty white dress and look cute which apparently I did well although I wasn't too keen to pose for the camera. Here Grandma is trying to hold me still. Yeah...good luck with that Grandma.

Here are the girls all ready to go to the church. Don't they look beautiful?? Daddy drove them in the car. (I had to go in my carseat with Mum.)

And Faith and Chloe did such a good job of fixing up Kiki's dress. She looked gorgeous.

Uncle Matt turned 30 last week so we had a party for him and then went out for dinner. I was getting pretty tired by the time this photo was taken so don't look overly happy. Can't smile ALL the time!!

Here I am showing how clever I am. I climb into the chairs myself now and in this shot was hoping Mum would let me have breakfast at the table rather than the highchair. No chance......She says I make too much mess.

Now some shots to show my lovely eating habits. I don't know what she means about making too much mess. Although I do love to put as much as possible in my mouth at once. OOPS - busted!!!

Here I am showing how clever I am. I climb into the chairs myself now and in this shot was hoping Mum would let me have breakfast at the table rather than the highchair. No chance......She says I make too much mess.

Now some shots to show my lovely eating habits. I don't know what she means about making too much mess. Although I do love to put as much as possible in my mouth at once. OOPS - busted!!!